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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Betsy's Wedding

 So as I said in my last post, other than working this weekend, I went to a wedding. One of my sister's good friends, Betsy, got married. Ana and Betsy have been friends since they were little. They did ballet together before they started school and then continued to be friends throughout school and now into adulthood. I admire friendships like this, since I have never really been fortunate enough to have one. Don't get me wrong, I have friends, just none like this that have lasted this long, haha. Anyways enough about that. A little about the bride and groom now. Betsy is a neurosurgeon resident at Duke. Of course, she is very smart...I'm pretty sure that comes with the job criteria, but she also has a great sense of humor. I don't really know Ray, but from what I have gathered on Facebook (yes, I am a FB stalker) and from being at their wedding, he is pretty funny too. After going to their wedding, I would definitely say Betsy met her perfect match. This wedding was the funniest and funnest wedding I have ever been to! My mom, Madison (little sister), Ana (big sister), David (brother-in-law), Ben, and I all went to the wedding. I think we were all pretty much laughing the entire night.  I took a few pictures to share and I borrowed a couple from Betsy's facebook since there were a few things I didn't get.

Betsy and Ray ( The Bride and Groom) (Not my picture- borrowed from Betsy's FB)
Me and Ben before the wedding
Ana and David before the wedding

Mattie before the wedding

Sorry for the quality of  this picture. It was dark outside and I was sitting a little ways back, so my pictures didn't turn out great. Their dog, Bobo Grunch, was the ring bearer. It was so cute! He wore a tux and did great! He was very well behaved and just stood up there until they were done. 

Betsy's mom, Betty, walked her down the aisle while her dad and stepdad followed. It was sweetest thing. Even I teared up, and I'm not much of a crier. (Not my picture- borrowed from Betsy's FB)

Mr. and Dr. Ray Grunch

 I thought this was pretty funny. Betsy, the groomsmen, and the bridesmaids all wore Converses and Ray wore ostrich leather cowboy boots! haha (Not my picture- borrowed from Betsy's FB)

I feel like this picture is of me and Ben's

Betsy looked beautiful in her dress!


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